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Human Existence

Writer: canozsoycanozsoy

I have always questioned myself: why are we alive, and are we truly the only ones out there? Why is Life shaped so perfectly for humans to function? Did someone design us humans? Did we pop out of nowhere? There are over 2 trillion galaxies scattered around the universe, are we the only sign of life? There are a lot of people who argue about how we were created, how the universe was created. Many religions argue that the universe has a Creator. One above all, the Alpha and the Omega. However, atheists believe science has explained our creation, the universes creation enough to disprove, to simply ignore the existence of a superior being.

There are laws, there are natural phenomena and there's us. Albert Einstein once said: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”. Science can only explain these events to a certain extent. What we really need to understand is who, perhaps what created these laws, these phenomena. Who created us?

Even if these questions were answered, the metaphysical aspect will still remain a mystery. Religion and science can and must coexist. Science defines the laws of this reality; religion defines the creator of these laws. But don't you think something is missing? How did The Creator suddenly start existing? Is there a Creator of the Creator? Is it an infinite loop?

Say you are playing an open-world game. When you click space, it translates that into data that tells the program you pressed space, and you jump. When you press W, it translates that into data that tells the program you pressed W, and you move. These can all be programmed, even emotions can be programmed. It can be as simple as changing a variable. Who’s to say this program doesn’t exist in its own reality, perceiving the world around it in its own unique way?

Now imagine a near infinite number of open-world games coded into a single simulation. How come we are not in a simulation? This theory is neither truer nor more false than any religion ever created. I believe all science can do is to explain the codes in this simulation, nothing else.

From everything I said, I have concluded that we are not just here for nothing. We mean something. We represent something. We have a purpose in life and I believe we will find nothing but peace when we achieve it. I believe someone or something created a reality so immensely intricate and complex and one of the results was you, us, humans. No one is perfect yet everyone is perfect. Those that yielded errors had to be erased and those that ran flawless, without any fault continued to coexist with others. That explains us, how flawless we are. Yet we are not perfect, we never will be.

We are humans, the most complex lifeform that ever existed on planet Earth. Enjoy it won't you? Go take a walk in the nature, outstretch your hands, do whatever you want because frankly, what matters is that we are alive. We can feel, we can invent, we can discover, we can achieve. I believe we are the Creator, and by we I mean everything. Humans, plants, planets, animals. All of us combined are the Creator. We choose our own path; we make our own path. Every action has its consequences, good or bad.

Don't think about anything else. The grass is always greener on the other side. Is it correct? Yes and no. What matters is that you at least have grass. Even after dedicating some thought to previously given notions, you can choose to believe anything about your world.

The amazing thing is that in our current scope of knowledge, all of these actually have a chance of being correct. But can we validate it? I don't think so. I think all these things are too overwhelming for our mind to understand, to comprehend so we prefer to think small.

But no matter what, there will always be the one question in the back of our minds: Why do we exist?


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