"Iirc when nel gives tmi she may be stan."
What does this sentence mean? People all around the world get graded via some exams. However, do all of those years of education teach us the real world? We’ll figure it out in minutes.
Language is a living being. It gets changed and developed. Besides, several additions are happening by the time. There is a worldwide dilemma that makes us think, is English still being developed or are people creating a new universal language? First of all, many researchers who are studying specifically on this topic say that the first point we should check is the question “Why?”
There can be several reasons for using short terms. The most common two of them are saving time and space.

Using short terms while texting adds convenience, allowing messages to be typed more quickly. This is particularly beneficial on mobile devices where typing can be slower compared to a physical keyboard. By shortening words or phrases, users can save time and make communication more efficient in fast-paced conversations. In addition, short terms in texting help save space, especially on platforms with character limits like SMS or X (Twitter). By using abbreviations and acronyms, users can convey the same message in fewer characters, making communication more concise. This approach ensures messages are both efficient and within the constraints of the platform.
In short, the only thing that doesn’t change is the change itself as it can be seen in linguistics and we should adapt these transformations.
Some examples of the short terms are: iirc, ne1, tmi, stan. Iiir means “If I remember correctly”. Also, “ne1” means “anyone”. “tmi” is the one that saves both time and space. It means “too much information”. Lastly, “stan” means “being a fan of someone” The sentence formed with all of these words is “Iirc when ne1 gives tmi she may be stan.” The meaning of this is “If I remember correctly when anyone gives too much information, she may be a big fan of something.”

For more decoding you can check this example:
SMH, saw this epic vid, and I was dying. LMK if u wanna peep; IMO, it’s 🔥 and a total vibe. TBF, FWIW, it might even top the OG meme. BRB, gotta ping my BFF b4 she ghosts. ICYMI, RT’d it RN—GTG, TTYL!
SMH - Shaking My Head
epic - Really impressive or cool
vid - Video
LMK - Let Me Know
u - You
pmo - pisses me off
peep - Look at or check out
IMO - In My Opinion
🔥 - Fire (slang for amazing or great)
vibe - Feeling or atmosphere of something
TBF - To Be Fair
FWIW - For What It’s Worth
OG - Original
BRB - Be Right Back
ping - Send a message to
BFF - Best Friend Forever
b4 - Before
ghosts - Disappears or stops responding
ICYMI - In Case You Missed It
RT’d - Retweeted
RN - Right Now
GTG - Got To Go
TTYL - Talk To You Later