Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that starts showing symptoms in early childhood. These symptoms include- but are not limited to-:
-Inattention: Trouble staying on top of a task, paying attention, and being organized regardless of defiance and lack of comprehension.
-Hyperactivity: Being significantly restless, constantly moving, constantly fidgeting or stimming, talking too much, etc.
-Impulsivity: Acting without considering the consequences, self-control problems, and the desire of immediate/momentary rewards.

If you struggle with this condition, chances are you are in a constant of missing the content of lectures, procrastinating on revising the material, and then struggling to pay attention, not even knowing where to start.
That is why this article has collected several research-based tips to help you stay on top of your tasks, and to boost the efficiency of your work, starting with:
1)Study Techniques:
-Spaced Repetition: This is a technique used for keeping information throughout lengthy periods of time. At first, you practice your material every few days, then gradually increase the intervals.
-Flashcards: With this technique, you have a set of cards with questions on one side, and answers on the other. You group the cards into ones you can answer with ease, and ones you struggle with. This way you can find which part of the material you cannot work out. There are apps designed for this method if that is what you prefer.
-Minds-mapping: This technique asks for you to make a map with concepts and then connect them to each other. This helps set the topic up in a way that makes it easier to remember the material.
You can also develop your own techniques over time, using these methods as guides.
2)Study Materials: There are many studies correlating coloured study materials and the efficiency of one's study. Using coloured paper, pens, highlighters, and index tabs might enhance your studies. Colour coding also helps with memory. It makes it easier to read, and you can use assorted colours for titles, extra and noteworthy information, and so on.
3) Minimising Distractions:
- Using noise-cancelling headphones or studying in a quiet place.
-Leaving your electronic devices in another room or installing app/website blockers for the duration of your study.
-Silencing your phone and turning off all notifications.
-Making a “thought parking lot” by writing distracting ideas/thoughts in a designated notepad to review and focus on them later.
4) Stimulating Senses:
-Listening to brown or white noise, or light music as you study.
-Having a mess-free snack or a drink on your desk.
-Decorating your notes with colours and symbols.
-Chewing gum or using a fidget toy that is not distracting, like a worry stone.
5) Motivation Techniques:
-Setting realistic, simple goals to not get overwhelmed.
-Breaking down the material into small bits instead of cramming all of it in a single study session.
-Creating proper deadlines.
-Having a healthy reward system using your interests or hyper-fixations as rewards or using a study app to turn studying into a game.
-Studying with friends, in a library or trying body doubling.
6 ) Handling Brain Fog
-Taking care of yourself by sleeping well, having a balanced diet, staying hydrated. You can find safe yet healthy foods, set a sleep schedule, and set water reminders to achieve this.
-Sparing time for yourself and your interests/hyper-fixations and loved ones.
-Resting your mind, giving yourself enough time to get back on your feet, not rushing things.
Discuss your problems with your healthcare provider to get advice and start supplements or medication, depending on the situation.

And remember; once you have overcome your problems, you will be able to benefit from your unique abilities and characteristics. As they say, ADHD is a speedbump, not a roadblock.
National Institute of Mental Health: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd
Attention Deficit Disorder Association: https://add.org/tips-for-studying-with-adhd/
McKendree University: https://www.mckendree.edu/academics/scholars/espique-issue-24.pdf